Find love within-Happy Valentine's Day

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Today the focus is often on romantic love, but I find the most important love to focus on today is the love we have for ourselves. That is why I started hosting a self love meditation around Valentine's day.

Often we can find it easier to give love to our families, friends, pets, or even strangers then it is to give love to ourselves. I understand for some people this can be a challenging time. Sometimes today is a lovely day for people and sometimes it can bring stuff up that we have an opportunity to heal. I invite you to go on a journey to find love within. Check out the meditation video I shared below. 

In these meditations I talk about that space inside this is untouched by the outer world. This is where unconditional love is found. Pain, worry, sorrow, anger, or sadness do not reside here. You can see this space as a beacon of light that is always there for you to guide you back to your spirit.

In the meditation I hosted over the weekend at Starr Mill Yoga this women came up to me afterwards and wanted to share her experience. She told me she had recently gotten out of a decades long abusive relationship where her partner dampened her spirit so badly. She felt comforted to become aware of the concept of that space of unconditional love deep inside and she was looking forward to connecting with it more and letting it help her to heal. 

In Chinese medicine the concept of Shen represents our spriit and it resides in our heart. The Shen also has a connection to the mind. So when the heart is out of balance it can effect our mind. Reishi mushrooms (shown in the picture above) can help to nourish our shen and support the heart. See link for more info on Reishi

The rosehips pictured above can also support the heart as well. Rose is the highest vibration of all the plants so it makes since that it is common flower given on valentine's day. It is so cool that roses can literally raise your vibration and lift your spirit. 

I have recently started diving into a course in miracles and I have joined a study group that has been really helpful. There is a lot to the course but if it could be summed up in a sentence it may be that it can prepare you to choose love over fear in every experience in your life. Shifting your perspective to love and light will dissolve the darkness and fear that may be blocking the love from being seen. 

Here is a passage from the beginning of the course
"Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love the inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle." 

I look forward to diving deep into this course and see what shifts will occur from doing the work. I hope it will make me a better practitioner able to help you all more on a deeper level.

As always if you every need some assistance I am here to support you. One of the services I offer is an emotional support session with EFT. This technique uses tapping on meridian points along with affirmations to heal. (see more info below)
If you are interested you can sign up for an exploratory call on my website services page. Click on free phone consultation to learn more. 

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a form of counseling intervention that draws on various theories of alternative medicine including acupuncture, neuro-linguistic programming, energy medicine, and Thought Field Therapy (TFT). It is best known through Gary Craig's EFT Handbook, published in the late 1990s, and related books and workshops by a variety of teachers. EFT and similar techniques are often discussed under the umbrella term "energy psychology". These techniques may be used to treat a wide variety of physical and psychological disorders, and as a simple form of self-administered therapy. By tapping a series of accupoints combined with directed affirmations, this modality opens up the ancient Chinese philosophy of chi, which is thought to be the 'life force' that flows throughout the body so healing can occur. These emotional support sessions are designed to help give you the tools to overcome anxiety, fear, depression, sadness, anger, and other emotions that may be holding you back in your life. Let go of what does not serve you anymore so you can live your true self embracing the freedom that life has to offer for you! Sessions can be done through zoom or facetime.

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