From seed to bloom-Growing on your healing journey

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I grew these nasturtium flowers nourishing from seed to bloom! I have been pondering that concept a lot lately as I have been focusing on this new project that I am super excited to share with everyone! When I am ready to unveil it I will let you know…Back to the seed to bloom concept…This year I planted lots of herbs, plants, and flowers from seed. While not all of them were successful, I tried my best and the ones that made it are thriving well. This was the first flower and before I picked it I meditated with the plant and thanked it for blooming for us!
Plants go through such a magical cycle that we all can connect with. At each stage there is growth even though we don’t always see it happening. When we see the flower so much has already happened underground. We can apply this to our healing journeys when dealing with chronic illness and pain. All the work we do to heal ourselves has a cumulative effect. Even though we don’t always see results right away they are gaining strength with each step we take. Once you find the right path, having faith that it will work is key. Finding the things that keep hope in our hearts that we will get better, can guide us in our decisions helping us to make the next right step. It sometimes can be scary but having a plan is key. Seeing others heal can give us strength and inspiration to carry on. One day you will wake up and you will feel better. Things that were not working may start working again. Even though it may not be perfect celebrate the little wins, be grateful for how far you have come, stay strong, and keep moving forward. Know that you will be better, you will be whole in body, mind, and spirit. You will blossom into the beautiful flower that you are. Then that old part of you dies and you are reborn anew starting over from seed. You can create new beginnings for your life. Seeing your world from a different perspective can make all the difference in your life. If you are dealing with chronic pain and illness and are looking to heal with nature I am here to help you. If any of this message resonates setup a free phone consultation to see my offerings and how you can become empowered to take healing into your own hands 🙌 ❤️🙏

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